We hit 10 months of waiting, TEN months! Honestly it seems much longer than that. I think I have become more and more impatient as the months roll by. I know it is all up to a much greater power than myself and it will all come to be as it is supposed to, I sometimes just have to tell myself that over and over again to get through the day!
Thank goodness I have such a wonderfully supportive family as they have all listened to me multiple times and sorry family it doesn't look like it is going to end anytime soon :) My sister in law Rebekah really helped me put things into perspective last week when I was having a particularly hard day dealing with the emotions of waiting. She said you know if you weren't upset I would actually be worried that this may not be the right thing for you and your family, but your emotions just show how invested you are and how much you want this baby to come into your family. She was right, all four of us talk about her constantly, she is a part of our every day and we include her in our future plans. We miss her and long to know who she is, what she looks like, to hug her and kiss her, hold her hand and list goes on and on!
So for now we will continue on making great memories as a family of four and look forward to the day when we can be making sweet memories as a family of five!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Landon has vacation bible school this week and one of the fun things they get to do is memorize a Bible verse by Friday and they win a free t-shirt. One wonderful trait my husband has is that he can memorize things really easily, I couldn't help but hope that my kids would inherit this from him. I thought from early on that Landon had, and I think I am right. He pretty much learned the verse, Hebrews 12: 1-2, the first night we went through it a couple of times and by the next night he had it down.
Last night we put the boys to bed and apparently they weren't very tired. Pretty soon we heard them rehearsing the verse and Landon was trying to teach Leyton like I had taught him. SO sweet to hear their little voices, of course I had to grab my video camera. It was dark in there so you can't see them, but it is still a great memory.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Father's Day Weekend
We had a busy but fun Father's day weekend! Here are a couple pictures from Sunday and then the rest of the weekend.
Friday, June 12, 2009
It has been a good week!
We had the success of the garage sale that we made $3000 to go towards our adoption fee's (you can read more about it and see pictures in my earlier post below)!
On Friday our 2nd order of cookbooks arrived ready to sell! We can't believe the outpouring of support we have seen through these cookbooks. Hopefully everyone is enjoying them and cooking up a storm! We do have more available now so if you were interested in a copy please let me know!
We knew eventually we wanted the boys to sleep in the same room and they have been together in one room for over 2 weeks now. A local store was having a big sale and we found really nice bunk beds for over half off the prices I found online of the same bed! For a little while there Leyton didn't sound so pleased to be giving up his room to his sister, but these new beds helped him get over that quickly!
And today our Social Worker emailed to let us know that she received our DCFS endorsement letter (which basically means they approved our Homestudy)! Another step completed and crossed off the list!

Garage Sale post #2
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Garage Sale
I knew there had to be a reason why it had been 6 years since our last garage sale, they are a TON of work! Last weekend we had "Sadie's Sale" our adoption fundraiser sale. We had been working on it for months and still didn't get everything out and into the sale that we wanted to. I had such a hard time going through the boys clothes for the sale, I still had every single piece of clothing from the day Landon was born until now, maybe just a little too sentimental??? There were so many outfits that I could think back to where we were, or a certain picture that they were wearing the clothes in, and the newborn stuff, how were they ever that little :( I will admit I kept a tub full of stuff I just couldn't bear to part with!
I had a goal in my head that I really wanted to hit, but admittedly it seemed out of our reach. By the time we counted the totals up on Saturday we hit my goal almost exactly on the dot! $3000 going towards helping us pay the costs to bring Sadie home! All that hard work certainly paid off!
I have to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who donated items for our sale, those of you who let us borrow your tables, and the people who stopped by to help us out, we couldn't have done it without you! We are also so grateful that so many people came out to shop at our sale, I don't think there was ever a moment in those 2 days that we didn't have someone there shopping!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Life has been BUSY, somehow 9 months waiting just passed right along and I missed posting this. Not the cutest 9 is it? Wow 9 months, if you would have asked me 9 months ago I never would have dreamed we would be this close to finding out who our daughter is! We found out this week that we are number TWO on the waiting list, we are shocked! Should I start walking around with the phone glued to my hand yet? I feel like there were a million things I wanted to do before we got this close and have done maybe a couple, yikes!
Landon has been asking me lately if we have moved closer on the list and it was so fun to tell him the good news. He is SO excited, and Leyton too, he has started telling people at random that he is getting a baby sister and her name is Sadie, and she is coming from Korea (which he says SO cute)!
I wonder how many more of these waiting for referral posts I will make? It would be really fun to start making waiting for Sadie to come home monthly posts!