Yikes, it has been a LONG time since I last posted so I figured a quick photo recap of the last few months was the easiest way to start blogging again. The past few months have been super busy getting used to our new school routines with the boys in 1st grade and preschool this year, lots of fun family activities and just trying to keep busy and get our minds off this wait (yes we are still waiting, I will get back to that in another post soon).
In September we were supposed to have family pictures taken with my side of the family and due to rain it got cancelled. We ended up getting together anyhow and having a picnic in the woods at my parents and taking pictures ourselves with the tripod and timer on the camera. The kids were having so much fun watching the red light flash with the timer we actually got a shot that wasn't too bad!
If we take these pictures next year we hope that our family will have grown by 3 more people! My sister in law is due with a boy in June, we are hoping (but realistically not so sure) that we will have Sadie home in 2010, and my oldest brother and his wife announced they will be giving me another nephew, a gorgeous little boy who is almost 6 from Ethiopia, we are praying he comes home soon!
Fall is my favorite season and the boys and I had a blast hiking, throwing rocks and playing in the leaves!

Landon turned 7 in October, still so hard to believe! I have to admit I can't believe I am old enough to have a SEVEN year old lol, but that is my own issue :) We had his family birthday party at the cabin and he had a glow in the dark golfing party for his friends. Love the picture of him praying at his party and the one with sweet little Vivi (my niece) cuddling with him. She has been great practice getting the boys ready for a little sister!

We had a Bakugan boy and a Dragon for Halloween this year. If you have boys that are a little older you have probably heard of Bakugans, they were the HUGE thing in our house this past year (although I haven't seen him play with them much lately, maybe they are on their way out). Halloween is CRAZY for us, first we hit Granny's, always a huge hit, ice cream for Landon and cheese for Leyton, they were in heaven lol! I think we had 3 more family stops before we got to the actual trick or treating. The boys are at great ages and had a blast! Oh can't forget the S. Korean flag Dan carved out of our pumpkin, turned out very cool!
What great family pictures! I love that your family is growing by three - and they are coming from all over the world! Your boys are so cute, Megan! I am hoping your wait is almost over for Sadie...
I love your recap! Beautiful family pictures!!
we've missed you! welcome back!
Great update--I was excited to see a post from you! I'm glad you and your family have been well and are keeping busy.
Thanks for the comments all of you, I can't believe I let the blog go this long, but I am excited to be back to writing and reading!
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