SEVENTEEN months and counting. Wow, if you had asked me a year ago if I thought we would still be here waiting I would have said no way, but as they say in International Adoption, expect the unexpected. I remember my social worker telling me back in May that "it could be anytime now", funny how I felt so much closer to getting "the call" back then then I do now.
Waiting, that is a word we hear over and over again in adoption. Waiting for this piece of paperwork to come in, waiting for this appointment or that appointment, waiting for the referral, then waiting again for more paperwork to fall into place, and what must be the hardest wait of the them all waiting for that anticipated travel call to go lay your eyes on your precious child in person. Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for my actions, words or emotions when I am finally in that stage of waiting.
Funny little things that I have realized while waiting...
*Since it is now 2010, we have officially been in the waiting stage in 2008, 2009 and 2010 (doesn't 2008 sound like an eternity ago?)
*Both of my boys have teachers that have been blessed by adoption. In fact both of Landon's teachers Aide's have adopted.
*When you meet someone else whose lives have been touched by adoption you feel an almost instant bond
*Who knew you could actually go from Friday being the most looked forward to day of the week to it being dreaded and Monday being the new favorite
*There is nothing better than hearing my boys talk about their sister, pray for her, draw pictures of our family including her etc.. Leyton, who just turned 4 randomly blurted out yesterday "when is Sadie coming home", so sweet and so heart wrenching at the same time, I know this wait has been hard for them too.
*Men and women handle the wait in completely DIFFERENT ways lol! Neither one bad or good, right or wrong, just very very different. Is this just me who thinks this???
*Waiting this long with no control over any of it makes me think and rethink the only thing I do have control over, what we will name her. Sadie???????
I know I am missing a ton of thoughts here so stay tuned or please reply with your thoughts, I am sure there are some good ones to add!